Today I had tough time. Initially I thought of visiting some of the location by auto. But later thought of going on my bicycle. As I pedaled 100 mts I found some kind of wobbling and on inspection of both the tyres I found the rear tyre deflated. Time was around 11.45 a.m. & I had one hour and 45 mts left. as my bus was at 1.30 p.m. I took the help of an auto man who took me along with my bicycle to a bicycle tyre repairer. I got the tyre done and returned to my lodge and after finishing my lunch packed my bag and left for bus stand. I had no problem in putting my bicycle in Volvo bus luggage compartment as the driver-cum-conductor (his name was Kumar) arranged for it w/o any issue.
Bus reached Bangalore -Hebbal around 4.45 p.m. Instead of going to Kempe Gowda bus stand I got down at Hebbal and started cycling to Whitefield. Barely I would have cycled one km I started feeling jerkiness while pedaling. After a little while derailleur came out. It was not fixed properly by the tyre puncture repairing person at Puttaparthi in the morning. Whitefield was still around 25 kms away from Hebbal. I took my bicycle to road side and then on little grass area that was there beside the road. It was a safe place to rectify the problem. However, I struggled for fixing the derailleur properly. This is mainly because my derailleur does not have hanger (as it was a local multi gear derailleur system installed at Bheed in Maharashtra last year when my original derailleur was completely damaged) . After almost struggling for about 45 mts I fixed the derailleur properly and tested it. It was working fine. I then around 6 p.m. started pedaling and reached my Whitefield home safely at 7.10 p.m.

I was happy that at least while pedaling from Bangalore to Puttaparthi on 24.9.10 I had no problem at all. But finally what is satisfying is that I safely returned home after successfully pedaling 184 kms. The statistics on my bicycle computer reads as under:
Total distance covered: 184 kms (195 less 11)
Average speed: 25 kms
Max speed: 45.6 kms
Bus reached Bangalore -Hebbal around 4.45 p.m. Instead of going to Kempe Gowda bus stand I got down at Hebbal and started cycling to Whitefield. Barely I would have cycled one km I started feeling jerkiness while pedaling. After a little while derailleur came out. It was not fixed properly by the tyre puncture repairing person at Puttaparthi in the morning. Whitefield was still around 25 kms away from Hebbal. I took my bicycle to road side and then on little grass area that was there beside the road. It was a safe place to rectify the problem. However, I struggled for fixing the derailleur properly. This is mainly because my derailleur does not have hanger (as it was a local multi gear derailleur system installed at Bheed in Maharashtra last year when my original derailleur was completely damaged) . After almost struggling for about 45 mts I fixed the derailleur properly and tested it. It was working fine. I then around 6 p.m. started pedaling and reached my Whitefield home safely at 7.10 p.m.
I was happy that at least while pedaling from Bangalore to Puttaparthi on 24.9.10 I had no problem at all. But finally what is satisfying is that I safely returned home after successfully pedaling 184 kms. The statistics on my bicycle computer reads as under:
Total distance covered: 184 kms (195 less 11)
Average speed: 25 kms
Max speed: 45.6 kms
though salute ur spirit n passion to complete ur trip with all the obstacles...awesome.
Cynthia is giving troubles..keep her happy :)
love the distance calculator meter:)
I am very happy that you have covered 160 km in single day. Your age and road conditions considered, this is fantastic achievement.
Went thru the route you took to Khamgaon. Liked it very much. I would have taken similar interior routes instead of National Highways. Actually, drivers in Highways are more considerate to one in trike than to a cyclist.
Keep going.
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