I left this morning at 5.00 from my home at Whitefield and after pedalling 160 kms reached safely Puttaparthi around 6.30 p.m. I had absolutely no problem with the bicycle and no mechanical issue cropped up. Riding from Whitefield up to Devanhalli was quite good and memorable as weather was very pleasant besides there are lots of trees on both sides of the road. I reached Devanhalli around 8.45 a..m and had my breakfast. I requested the hotel waiter to take a picture along with the owner of the hotel from my camera. But the camera button was not getting pressed. I did not want to waste time there and hence, continued my pedaling. I thought camera was not working. But the fact of the matter was that it was on video mode. On my way I changed it to still picture mode and continued my journey.

I reached Chikkaballapur around 11.30 a.m. Heat had just started catching up and pedaling after Chikkaballapur was very tiring. Moreover, although highway roads are excellent there are no big trees and riding on such road though smooth is not pleasurable. From my experience I can say that for cyclists, country side roads are best suited for ride where lots of trees are generally found on both sides of the road. Last 25 kms to Puttaparthi was highly demanding and extremely tiring. I was quite exhausted but kept on drinking maza, water intermitantly. In between ate biscuits and cadbury chocklates that I was carrying. Finally around 6.30 p.m. I reached Puttaparthi. I could have reached much earlier but I did take rest in between as advised my wife from whom I had taken Bicycle License and hence, I reached a bit late. But it was a good journey as I had prepared well for the journey for the last a month or two.
Main road in Puttaparthi is very congested with people everywhere. Almost every shop in Puttaparthi starts or ends with 'Sai'. Sai Medicals, Sai General Stores, Sai Ganesh Lodge, Hotel Sai darshan etc, etc. It is customary there to greet one another by saying 'Sai Ram'. More details I shall give in next posting.
I reached Chikkaballapur around 11.30 a.m. Heat had just started catching up and pedaling after Chikkaballapur was very tiring. Moreover, although highway roads are excellent there are no big trees and riding on such road though smooth is not pleasurable. From my experience I can say that for cyclists, country side roads are best suited for ride where lots of trees are generally found on both sides of the road. Last 25 kms to Puttaparthi was highly demanding and extremely tiring. I was quite exhausted but kept on drinking maza, water intermitantly. In between ate biscuits and cadbury chocklates that I was carrying. Finally around 6.30 p.m. I reached Puttaparthi. I could have reached much earlier but I did take rest in between as advised my wife from whom I had taken Bicycle License and hence, I reached a bit late. But it was a good journey as I had prepared well for the journey for the last a month or two.
Meanwhile, just for information of all that I have booked a ticket for myself in KSRTC Volvo bus leaving Puttaparthi tomorrow at 13.30 hrs. I hope, the conductor will allow me to take my Cynthia in luggage compartment. Hope, the postponement (I have been told by a person here in Puttaparthi as I could not read or hear Radio or TV clip today) of crucial judgement which has ramification across the country shall make my return journey to Bangalore safe and comfortable. I shall share more bout my journey may be tomorrow or once I am back in Bangalore.
I am giving below the route on which I pedaled from Bangalore to Puttaparthi in Andhra pradesh.
Bangaore to Puttaparthi
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Very eager to hear about your pedaling experience with Cynthia!
Wish you both a comfortable journey home.
Best regards
WiSh CoulD couLd joIn yoU somEdaY ;)
aShoK bhAt
Ajay Bansal
I cannot aqree more with you that trees are more important than a smooth road. While a good tarmac road helps in speed and ease of ride, it is quite boring and therefore makes the journey very tiring. Best is a combination of good roads, trees, and also some civlization along way. It provides as an opportunity to look around and hopefully some encouragement from onlookers.
I am looking forward to riding with you someday.
Really it’s a marvellous to see your life career in the cycling field. Keep it up!!!!!.
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